sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012


A TIC course does not should be focus only in Windows Software. Windows is just one an Operative System. Windows has been an important because have preserved the average user. When Microsoft presented Windows 95 surprised the community and engaged it. The ancient interfaces with black screen and little white font changed to a completely interactive Operative System. Therefore, Windows became in the most popular platform in the market. As consequence, aftermaths as Windows 98 and Windows XP had the same success.

However, today people are very interest in different options like Apple Company because the beauty, quality and power of its products. For instance, the Mac book Air despite the high prices is one of most coveted computer machines in the market. People are eager to try different options about software technologies. Nonetheless, the average user is caution to move to a different OS, due to the fact they might find an unknown dimension in the computer and lost the inversion with a new machine.

Anyway, Apple Company steels selling more and more. In my opinion, the best way to prove something new is Linux. This OS is free and exist many distributions (versions), even more, the virus risk is almost zero. The user can install it beside Windows if he is fearful to leave it or if he needs It. Linux does not slow the computer so you can work with both platforms. The most important fact is that Linux has a big quantity of packages (Programs/Software) for each need. The user can find since video editors until font editors and they are higher and open-code (free). Also, the software assistance is online for the OS and for packages. Then, these are the reasons why an user should try Linux before moving Mac and perhaps he remains with the Penguin (Linux’s pet). Also, the reasons why a TIC course should be wider.

My proposal for the TIC course is for a foreign language teaching program. In this context there are multiples reasons to explain the necessity to implement a TIC course; Computers, Internet and Multimedia projects. An institution context cannot ignore today culture and technologies. Nowadays, people are related with videogames, television, smart-phones and internet.

Any education context should help students to improve TIC skills in order to be prepared for future challenges. The TIC help to improve and innovate the school context. For example, in my proposal the teacher can prepare activities, evaluations and follow up. To publish on the web didactic materials allow a permanent support to the students. Blogs, sites and wikis are the best tools for me. These tools are very useful for students. They can write, elaborate multimedia presentations, play (educations games), do exercises, to communicate and develop projects under www page webs.

I would organize my course like this:

1.    TIC concept
2.    Historic evolution
3.    Globalization of information.

4.    Software
5.    Operative Systems: Windows/Linux/Mac
6.    Programs and applications

7.    Internet: Internet services/Protocols/IP adders
8.    Web browsers
9.    E-mail
10. Chats

11. Blogs
12. Sites
13. Wikis
14. Web 2.0

15. Video Editors
16. Image editors
17. Audio Editors

martes, 7 de agosto de 2012


What do you think about podcasts for teaching languages?

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